Gore travels to Dubai, warns: ‘Global warming’ triggering ‘flying rivers, rain bombs’

Former Vice President Al Gore is at it again. Gore is attempting to link extreme weather to man-made climate change, this time warning of “flying rivers” and “rain bombs.” But in a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, Gore is accused of engaging in scientifically baseless “weather porn” for attempting to link every bad weather event to “global warming.

Climate change triggering ‘flying rivers, rain bombs’, Gore warns – Gulf News – March 18, 2018

March 18, 2018Gulf NewsBy Faisal Masudi 

Dubai: Bizarre weather such as “flying rivers” and “rain bombs” are just some of the recent effects of climate change, warned former US vice-president Al Gore at the Global Education and Skills Forum (GESF) in Dubai on Sunday. Gore, who is the founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, a non-profit establishment “devoted to solving the climate crisis”, told GESF delegates global weather is becoming “extreme” and “disruptive”, mainly because of global warming…
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He described flying or atmospheric rivers as long streams of rain-bearing clouds that carry huge amounts of water vapour over long distances, ending as heavy rain bombs over a small, concentrated area. Gore said a city in California was recently hit by such weather, with the ‘river’ in the air having flown thousands of kilometres from an area in the Pacific Ocean.

Gore also said climate change could make large parts of the Middle East uninhabitable, which would create “climate refugees”, who would clash with settled populations in cities. [Note: In addition to debunking exterme weather/climate link, The new book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate CHange,” thourougly refutes Gore’s claim on both climate and war. See: ‘Global warming’ causes war claims — debunked – ‘Warm periods are more peaceful than cold ones’ – Bonus Chapter #2 for Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change]

End Gore article excerpt


But Gore’s recycled climate claims are being met by a new book which refutes Gore’s Claims: “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” By Marc Morano. The book is already sold out on Amazon.com and it the number one seller in Earth Science, Climatology and several other categories. Sold out! Amazon.com sells out of ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’! – Designated a ‘Best Seller’

Excerpted from Chapter 12 – “Not So Extreme”
“Weather-Porn:” Climate skeptic Jo Nova called the claims about extreme weather in Al Gore’s 2017 box office bomb, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” primal weather-porn.” As Nova wrote, “Cherry-picked extremes. The long tenuous chain of cause and effect was glossed over repeatedly with handwaving. The system was the most complex on earth, yet somehow scientists know what causes what…. This is a never-ending game for Gore. Until we get perfect weather on Earth, on all 150 million square kilometers terra firma, he will always be able to say ‘boo.’”

New Lyrics to an Old Tune: In the 1970s and 1980s, extreme weather used to be blamed on “global cooling.”According to a 1981 ChicagoTribune article, “Climatologists now blame recurring droughts and floods on a global cooling trend that could trigger massive tragedies for mankind.” In 1974, NOAA linked extreme weather events to a cooling Earth: “Many climatologists have associated this drought and other recent weather anomalies with a global cooling trend and changes in atmospheric circulation which, if prolonged, pose serious threats to major food-producing regions of the world.”18A 1975 Newsweek article titled “The Cooling World” explained how extreme weather was being caused by colder temperatures. The piece claimed that cooling “causes an increase in extremes of local weather such as droughts, floods, extended dry spells, long freezes…. ”
At this point, “climate change” is supposed to be “settled science.” And yet the actual scientific data simply doesn’t support the claim that there is catastrophic global warming—let alone the notion that human activity is causing it. Whether we are talking about global temperatures, sea levels, polar ice, polar bears, or extreme weather, global warming proponents’ claims are demonstrably false.
Nostradamus  Does Climate: Extreme weather expert Roger Pielke Jr. of the University of Colorado wrote of the mystical qualities of the climate change claims in an analysis titled “It Has Been Foretold”: “Because various unsupportable and just wrong claims are being advanced by leading scientists and scientific organizations, it would be easy to get the impression that on the issues of extreme events and climate change, IPCC science has a status similar to interpretations of Nostradamus and the Mayan calendar.”
Extreme weather expert Roger Pielke Jr., a former professor in the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado and author of the 2014 book The Rightful Place of Science: Disasters and Climate Change, has repeatedly testified to Congress, mostly recently in 2017, that there is “no evidence” that hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes are increasing.
 “The world is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters. This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought.,” Pielke said in July 2017.
The “extreme weather” we’re having now is not any worse than the weather we were having during the late twentieth century and earlier, when there was much less CO2 in the atmosphere. “It’s not a theoretical issue what the weather would be like below 350 ppm. Until 1988, the weather was below 350ppm. What we see is all the extreme weather we had back then,” as Real Climate Science website founder Tony Heller has pointed out. “If you look through the historical record the weather was just as bad or worse under 350ppm.”
Climatologist John Christy testified before Congress in 2012, “There is a lack of evidence to blame humans for an increase in extreme events. One cannot convict CO2 of causing any of these events, because they’ve happened in the past before CO2 levels rose.” As Christy pointed out, “There are innumerable types of events that can be defined as extreme events—so for the enterprising individual (unencumbered by the scientific method), weather statistics can supply an unlimited, target-rich environment in which to discover a ‘useful’ extreme event.”

Christy explained why the extreme weather claims are unscientific: “The non-falsifiable hypotheses can be stated this way, ‘whatever happens is consistent with my hypothesis.’ In other words, there is no event that would ‘falsify’ the hypothesis. As such, these assertions cannot be considered science or in any way informative since the hypothesis’ fundamental prediction is ‘anything may happen.’ In the example above if winters become milder or they become snowier, the non-falsifiable hypothesis stands. This is not science.”

As climatologist Roy Spencer noted in 2016, “Global warming and climate change, even if it is 100% caused by humans, is so slow that it cannot be observed by anyone in their lifetime. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and other natural disasters have yet to show any obvious long-term change. This means that in order for politicians to advance policy goals (such as forcing expensive solar energy on the masses or creating a carbon tax), they have to turn normal weather disasters into ‘evidence’ of climate change.”

NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division has been tracking hurricanes that have struck the United States since 1851. The drought in major hurricane activity was a very unusual event that “likely” occurs only once every 177 years, according to a study by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS).  Hurricane Harvey in August 2017, broke the twenty-five-year streak of no Category 4 to 5 hurricanes making landfall in the United States since 1992 (Hurricane Andrew) and the twelve-year record-breaking streak of no Category 3 or larger Hurricanes making landfall since 2005 (Wilma). Both landfalls and hurricane strength were “down by ~20% since 1900,” according to Pielke. The worst decade for major (Category 3, 4 and 5) hurricanes was the 1940s, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data.

The UN IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in 2013 found, “Current datasets indicate no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century…. No robust trends in annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes counts have been identified over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin.”

In 2017, as we have seen, the nearly twelve-year record hurricane streak of no category 3 or larger storms hitting the United States came to a crashing halt with Hurricane Harvey, which made landfall near Rockport, Texas, as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 130 mph on August 25. Harvey will go down in the record books as the top rainfall-producing hurricane, dropping 60.58 inches in Nederland, Texas, from August 24 to September 1. The previous top rain producer was Tropical Storm Amelia, which produced 48 inches in Medina, Texas, in 1978. 35As Hurricane Harvey was battering the coast, the climate activists and the media began the incessant drumbeat of how man-made “global warming” had made Harvey worse.

But Climatologist Judith Curry refuted such claims: “Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on. The huge amounts of rain are associated with Harvey’s stalled movement.”

Hurricane Irma made its Florida landfall on September 10 as a category 4 hurricane. Hurricane Maria also made landfall in the United States as category 4 hurricane. Neither storm was unprecedented. Colorado State University meteorologist Philip Klotzbach’s analysis of Irma found that it made landfall in Florida at 929 millibars (mb) of landfall pressure, tying it for the seventh most powerful storm to hit the mainland since record keeping began in the 1850s. Hurricane Harvey, ranked eighteenth at 938 mb, placing it in a three-way tie with an 1898 Georgia hurricane and Hurricane Hazel in 1954.

Hurricane Maria had the eighth-lowest landfall pressure (917 mb) on record in the Atlantic Basin.  Meteorologist Anthony Watts noted, “With Irma ranked 7th, and Harvey ranked 18th, it’s going to be tough for climate alarmists to try connecting these two storms to being driven by CO2/global warming. But they’ll do it anyway.”

Meteorologist Ryan Maue mocked the claims of “extreme weather getting more extreme.” That “isn’t a scientific statement but anecdotal. In a warmer world, some events may become weaker,” Maue wrote. “It’s actually been fairly quiet in the Atlantic since the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Curious how two storms change that so quickly?” Climatologist Roger Pielke Sr. wrote about the media claims linking Hurricanes Harvey and Irma to about the climate change link, “Amazing to see claims of how hurricane activity will change in future based on climate models, yet same models cannot predict past activity.

Tony Heller of Real Climate Science wrote of the Irma claims, “Florida has had 119 hurricanes since 1850, but the last one was due to climate change.”  Statistician Bjorn Lomborg pointed out: “Harvey and Irma are terrible, but…. Major landfalling US hurricanes [are] trending downwards over [the] past 140 years.” As he explained, “We need perspective: Despite Harvey and Irma catastrophes, death risk from hurricanes is declining 1900–2016.”

End Book excerpt

