College Republicans Propose an Unusual Idea From the Right: A Carbon Tax
By Lisa Friedman March 6, 2018 ImageAlexander Posner, right, at a meeting of Students for Carbon Dividends at Yale University. The group pulls together millennial-aged conservatives to promote acceptance of climate change and propose conservative solutions.CreditChristopher Lee for The New York Times As the Republican Party struggles to find its footing with the next generation […]
In Startling Reversal, Scientific American Counsels People to ‘Chill Out’ over Global Warming by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.12 Mar 20182,347 Apocalyptic scenarios attributed to global warming are simply false and the human race will be able to accommodate whatever “climate change” throws at us, claims a remarkably sober new essay in Scientific American. The essay, penned by John Horgan, the director of the Center for Science Writings at the Stevens […]
New Research Finds Polar Bear Numbers Up 42% Since 2004 – Survival Rates Unaffected By Sea Ice Availability
By Kenneth Richard on 12. March 2018 A remarkably unsophisticated paper was published a few months ago curiously entitled Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy. Among the list of co-authors of Harvey et al. (2017) are two rather familiar names in climate science circles: Michael E. Mann and Stephan Lewandowsky. The 14 authors liberally utilize name-calling and broad-brushed […]
New Book Details How Al Gore ‘Lavishly’ Profited Off Climate Lobbying ByJOSEPH CURL @josephcurl March 12, 2018 A new book titled “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change” catalogues how former Vice President Al Gore became “by far the most lavishly funded fossil fuel player in the global warming debate today.” Written by Marc Morano, founder of, the book lays out how Gore, who […]
Schwarzenegger used private jet for daily commutes to California’s governor’s mansion
Arnold Schwarzenegger is going after modern energy use claiming specifically that he wants to take oil companies to court “for knowingly killing people all over the world” through alleged “global warming” impacts. See: Schwarzenegger to Sue Big Oil for ‘First Degree Murder’ But before Schwarzenegger files his court case against oil companies, he may have […]