This is the Orwellian Environment that gave us CAGW; Identity Politics and Consensus Don’t Belong in Science

This is the Orwellian Environment that gave us CAGW; Identity Politics and Consensus Don’t Belong in Science

And, sure enough, the whole concept of an individual who exists apart from group identity is slipping from the discourse. The idea of individual merit — as opposed to various forms of unearned “privilege” — is increasingly suspect. The Enlightenment principles that formed the bedrock of the American experiment — untrammeled free speech, due process, individual (rather than group) rights — are now routinely understood as mere masks for “white male” power, code words for the oppression of women and nonwhites. Any differences in outcome for various groups must always be a function of “hate,” rather than a function of nature or choice or freedom or individual agency. And anyone who questions these assertions is obviously a white supremacist himself. Continue Reading

— gReader Pro
