Greenland Is Getting Colder–New Study
By Paul Homewood When cooling proves global warming! Using satellite data, a group of scientists has studied the development of temperature over the past 15 years in a large part of Greenland. More precisely, they looked at surface temperatures (the temperature close to the Earth’s surface) in a part of the country that is not covered by ice—around one fifth of the surface area of Greenland. Intuitively, you may think that temperature throughout all of Greenland has been increasing, but that is not the case. When you look at the yearly average, the ice-free parts of Greenland show a slight drop in temperature between 2001 and 2015. With swings in temperature from year to year. However, these results should not be interpreted as “proof” that the Earth is not warming, say the scientists behind the research, which is published in the journal Scientific Reports. This is weather, not climate You need to have thirty years’ worth of data before you can “talk about climate,” says Professor Bo Elberling, an environmental geochemist and senior scientist on the study. So we should be wary of discussing these results in the context of climate change, says Elberling, who is head of the Center for Permafrost (CENPERM) at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. “What’s interesting here is that with these new data we have a unique description of the spatial distribution of surface temperatures across the entire ice-free part of Greenland, which we couldn’t pull out of the approximately 45 weather stations that cover Greenland today,” he say This clearly was not the result they were expecting to find. And there is little doubt if they had found a small amount of warming, it would have been trumpeted as proving global warming. Elberling’s claim that “you need to have thirty years’ worth of data before you can talk about climate,” is either remarkably ignorant or flagrantly dishonest. The climate in Greenland is strongly affected by the AMO, which runs on a cycle of about 50 to 60 years. And as we know, Greenland temperatures are little different nowadays to the 1930s and 40s, when the AMO was previously in warm mode. It is intriguing that they state: Intuitively, you may think that temperature throughout all of Greenland has been increasing. This is no doubt true, and it is wholly due to the incessant fake propaganda put out by scientists and media to the effect that “Greenland is melting down”. Proper scientists would look at longer term trends, not just a few years data, and tell people the truth.
— gReader Pro