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Rush Limbaugh’s touts Climate Depot on radio – Rush: “Morano, our old ‘man in Washington’ of the TV show’

They love science fiction; they love science.

They think everything about themselves is scientific. So first up is a story here from our buddy Marc Morano, our old “man in Washington” of the TV show. He now runs a website called Climate Depot, and he publishes the result of the new study that says, “STUDY: Concern Over Climate Change Linked to Depression, Anxiety — ‘Restless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy.‘ … Those hit hardest are women and people with low incomes who worry about the planet’s long-term health, said the study published this week in the journal Global Environmental Change.

“Symptoms” of this particular psychological condition “include restless nights, feelings of loneliness and lethargy. ‘Climate change is a persistent global stressor,’ Sabrina Helm, lead author of the paper and professor of family and consumer sciences at the University of Arizona, said.” The Canadian Press: “A U.S. Navy Ship Is Trapped in Montreal Until Spring Due to Icy Waters — A newly commissioned Navy warship will be wintering in Montreal after its journey to Florida was interrupted by cold and ice.

“A Navy spokeswoman says the USS Little Rock was commissioned in Buffalo on Dec. 16 and was expected to make its way to its home port in Mayport, Florida. Instead,” it’s caught in ice since Christmas Eve in Montreal, and it will not thaw sufficiently for this ship to move until mid-March. So, the planet is heating up to the point our blood’s gonna boil, or how does that coincide with a Navy ship “trapped in Montreal until spring due to icy waters”?

Next story, Scientific American. “Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen Global Warming.” Now, wait a minute. At first, they told us pollution was causing global warming. CO2. Ozone. Pollution caused by evil American corporations that don’t care whether they kill people, pollute the rivers, pollute the air. They don’t care! Now, “Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen Global Warming.” How? “Pollution in the atmosphere is having an unexpected consequence. Scientists say it’s helping to cool the climate, masking some of the global warming that has occurred so far.”

Oh. So, see, what’s happening is it really isn’t warming up, folks. There hasn’t been any significant it can’t remember now 17 years, so they have to keep coming up with reasons why their models are wrong, and it turns out now that we are putting too much pollution up there and it’s cooling the planet like volcanic ash does. It prevents the destructive heat from reaching us. So if we clean up pollution, if we get rid of the pollution, we could kill ourselves! That’s what this story is. The next story is from a tech blog.
