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Date: 23/01/18 Personal Liberty A lawyer representing coastal cities says he isn’t sure cases claiming that global warming is going to hurt the cities’ futures are winnable. New York City and other coastal cities want to sue oil producers for their role in contributing to global warming. Constant warnings that melting ice will cause sea […]

Lacking Pipelines, New England Awaits Its First-Ever Shipment Of Russian Gas

By MICHAEL BASTASCH New England’s lack of pipeline infrastructure means the region is now reliant on natural gas shipments from an unlikely source — Russia. Boston will soon receive a shipment of natural gas from an export terminal operated by Novatek — a company sanctioned by the State Department in 2014. Russian oil and gas shipments, however, aren’t […]

Mega Blizzard Complicates Travels At Davos Conference On Global Warming

By Chris White World leaders are worried that a massive blizzard could derail their opportunity to talk about solutions to global warming at a major economic conference in Switzerland. Snowflakes are canvassing Davos in nearly six feet of snow. Snow kept pounding the valleys and areas surrounding the town Monday night, causing plutocrats, members of […]