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The New/Old Consensus?! Pollution is ‘helping to cool the climate’ – Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen ‘Global Warming’

Via: Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen Global Warming New research is helping quantify just how big that effect might be By Chelsea Harvey, ClimateWire on January 22, 2018 Credit: Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) Pollution in the atmosphere is having an unexpected consequence, scientists say—it’s helping to cool the climate, masking some of the global warming that’s occurred so […]

If Cold Winters is the Expectation, What Would a Warm Winter Mean?

If Cold Winters is the Expectation, What Would a Warm Winter Mean? Al Gore is claiming that CO2 is the cause of the recent bitter cold. If that is the case, what would Al Gore be “Tweeting” if we were experiencing a record warm winter? I’m 100% certain that the next warm spell we […]

Study: Arctic ocean ‘methane bomb’ really isn’t anything to worry about

Study: Arctic ocean ‘methane bomb’ really isn’t anything to worry about From the UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER comes this study that backs up a study that we reported on just a few days ago about methane clathrates on the ocean floor. The so-called Arctic “methane bomb” that some off the rails climate scientists have been […]

REPORT: New England Faces More Blackouts As Power Plants Close, Pipelines scuttled

REPORT: New England Faces More Blackouts As Power Plants Close, Pipelines scuttled By Paul Homewood From Climate Change Dispatch: New England is facing an energy future of “rolling blackouts and controlled outages” by 2025 as more power plants close down and pipeline capacity continues to lag behind. The new report by the New England’s […]

German Public Television Carries Out Textbook Propaganda Hit On German Climate “Deniers”…”Used Every Trick”

German Public Television Carries Out Textbook Propaganda Hit On German Climate “Deniers”…”Used Every Trick” Another winter North Sea storm struck Germany last Thursday, and naturally the alarmists and climate-downfall conspiracy nuts – among them flagship German public television – immediately mobilized to point the blame on manmade CO2 emissions. Linking skepticism to the right […]

Polar bear numbers not declining despite media headlines suggesting otherwise

Polar bear numbers not declining despite media headlines suggesting otherwise In scanning comments generated by the recent flurry of internet interest in polar bears and blogs I noticed that a good many people, fed alarming media stories, are still convinced that polar bear numbers are declining rapidly when nothing could be further from the […]