Even the eyelashes freeze: Russia sees minus 88.6 degrees F

MOSCOW (AP) — Even thermometers can’t keep up with the plunging temperatures in Russia’s remote Yakutia region, which hit minus 67 degrees Celsius (minus 88.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas Tuesday. In Yakutia — a region of 1 million people about 3,300 miles (5,300 kilometers) east of Moscow — students routinely go to school even […]

Ocean temps ‘have risen only 0.1 Cover the last 5 decades – New Study Shows Past Research On Rising Ocean Temps Built On Faulty Science

By Chris White Ocean temperatures have risen only 0.1 degree Celsius over the last five decades, according to a landmark study some scientists argue could change the way researchers measure the ocean’s temperature levels. Each layer of water in the ocean has vastly different temperatures, so determining the average temperature is nearly impossible without glossing […]

Host Of Studies Show No Drought/Forest Fire Trend

  By P Gosselin on 14. January 2018 Not climate change: forest fires in the USA controlled by El Nino, arson and land use changes By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) Droughts increase the risk of forest fires; that’s logical. However it is false to reflexively assign every forest fire to climate […]

Financial Times Blasts New York Mayor De Blasio’s Climate Stunts

Financial Times Blasts New York Mayor De Blasio’s Climate Stunts http://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/01/14/financial-times-blasts-new-york-mayor-de-blasios-climate-stunts/ Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Financial Times asks, if De Blasio is so hot on tackling climate change, why does he ride in a SUV every day when he visits the gym? New York’s easy answers on climate change Fixing infrastructure would be […]

More ‘adjustments’: US Cold Winters Mysteriously Disappear

US Cold Winters Mysteriously Disappear! https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/us-cold-winters-mysteriously-disappear/ By Paul Homewood Bob Ward has taken exception with Booker’s column last week on the severe cold weather this month in the US, with this letter in today’s Telegraph: SIR – Christopher Booker, discussing climate change, is wrong to claim that this year “is the latest in a succession […]

NASA Claim: Definitive Evidence of the Montreal Protocol’s Success on ‘Ozone Hole’ – but may be premature

NASA Claim: Definitive Evidence of the Montreal Protocol’s Success on ‘Ozone Hole’ – but may be premature http://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/01/16/nasa-claim-definitive-evidence-of-the-montreal-protocols-success-on-ozone-hole-but-may-be-premature/ From the “Montreal Protocol success is not weather, unless it is” department and NASA Goddard: Using measurements from NASA’s Aura satellite, scientists studied chlorine within the Antarctic ozone hole over the last several years, watching as the […]


  EUROPE’S GREEN ENERGY BURNING IS KILLING 40,000 PEOPLE PER YEAR, STUDY CLAIMS Date: 16/01/18 Linde Zuidema, Euractiv Domestic wood burning has become more widespread in Europe in recent years. Exposure to smoke from domestic biomass use caused 40,000 deaths across the EU28 in 2014. The European Union’s dependence on burning solid biomass – most […]


Via: http://www.thegwpf.com/europes-green-energy-burning-is-worse-than-coal/ EUROPE’S GREEN ENERGY BURNING IS WORSE THAN COAL Date: 16/01/18 Market Insider Wood is increasingly being used to replace coal as a source of electricity generation in many regions such as the European Union, where policymakers have declared it “carbon neutral.” However, new research from researchers at MIT, Climate Interactive, and UMass Lowell reveals that displacing coal with wood […]