Green vision protects coal deposits, razes forests instead: Europe goes back to wood power

Green vision protects coal deposits, razes forests instead: Europe goes back to wood power

We’re trying to control the weather by limiting a universal molecule intrinsic to life on Earth. What could possibly go wrong? Loopholes, for starters. Only this isn’t a loophole — it’s an obvious outcome of “carbon neutrality”. The only thing that could have stopped wood from replacing coal is if the tidal-windy-solar idea had been competitive, reliable and batteries were really cheap. Or, if we all went nuclear. So carbon neutral means conserving black coal deposits underground and mowing down thousands of square kilometers of forests. Don’t think Greenpeace saw that coming. Carbon Loophole: Why is wood burning counted as green energy? Fred Pearce, Yale, e360 The forests of North Carolina, Louisiana, and Mississippi — as well as those in Europe — are being destroyed to sustain a European fantasy about renewable energy… Wood burning is booming from Britain to Romania. Much of the timber is sourced locally… But Drax’s giant wood-burning boilers are fueled almost entirely by 6.5 million tons of wood pellets shipped annually across the Atlantic. Drax Power, UK emits 23 million tons of “good” neutral carbon which used to be trees: About 23 million tons of carbon dioxide […]Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)

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