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STUDY: Global Warming May Harm Children for Life

A new study links extreme heat during early childhood to lower earnings as an adult. by James Temple December 4, 2017 A growing body of research concludes that rising global temperatures increase the risk of heat stress and stroke, decrease productivity and economic output, widen global wealth disparities, and can trigger greater violence (see “Hot and Violent”). Now a new […]

Jeff Jacoby: Yes, There Are Benefits From Global Warming

Global warming will bring gains as well as losses, upsides no less than downsides. Climate science isn’t a good-and-evil morality tale. Climate discourse shouldn’t be either. POINT HOPE, ALASKA, is tiny and ill-provisioned, an Arctic backwater so inaccessible that basic groceries have to be flown in and gasoline can only be brought in by barge […]

Polar-Bear-Gate deepens

The story of the Harvey et al smear paper (previous posts here and here and here) continues to grow rapidly. It’s hard to keep up. The latest news is from a new blog post by Susan Crockford that includes two points of considerable interest – her letter of complaint to the journal, and a release of emails (Polar-Bear-Gate?) between polar bear scientists. […]

Vatican’s climate warning: ‘Very Fabric of Life on Earth at Grave Risk’

by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.5 Dec 20172,356 In a dramatic declaration punctuated by dire threats and warnings, the Vatican is urging the world to “decarbonize the energy system as early as possible and no later than mid-century” to avoid irreversible damage to humans and ecosystems. In its newly released “Final Declaration: Our Planet, Our Health, Our […]