Obama greens are running the Trump negotiating team at UN climate summit
by David Wojick, Ph.D. Given President Trump’s momentous decision to leave the UN Paris Agreement, you would think that the State Department would send Trump people to the Bonn climate summit to represent US interests. You would be wrong. The US climate negotiator holding the top UN position there is an Obama hack named Andrew Rakestraw. […]
Singing activists interrupt U.S. coal-focused event at UN climate conference
By Chris Mooney Demonstrators interrupted a U.S. government event at the United Nations climate conference in Germany on Monday, protesting the Trump administration’s support for coal-fired power plants and the president’s intention to pull the United States out of an international climate pact. At the U.N. climate conference in Bonn, demonstrators interrupted the event following a presentation by White House […]
Trump team’s pro-fossil fuel event at climate summit shouted down by warmist protesters
Bonn, Germany — At a climate conference here, a pair of senior White House officials convened several executives representing coal, natural gas and nuclear power industries to tout why these resources should be part of the world’s solutions to climate change. About 20 minutes into the event, dozens of protesters taking up most of the […]
Cheers! Warmist Sen. Whitehouse: ‘Trump is a dream come true for the climate denial operation’
CO2 Emissions Growing Strongly Again
By Paul Homewood I am constantly amazed that the likes of Mark Lynas and Corrinne Le Quere are surprised to see emissions still rising. If they had bothered to read the Paris Agreement and the INDCs, they would have known that was exactly what was intended. It surely must be obvious to Le Quere and […]
Fight ‘Climate Change’ by Suing Polluters, Says Frm. NASA’s James Hansen
By Stephen Leahy PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 7, 2017 Countries should sue the world’s biggest oil, coal and gas, and cement companies for damages resulting from climate change—says well-known climate scientist James Hansen. Hansen, a former NASA scientist who warned Congress about the dangers of climate change in 1988, says global warming of 2°C, or even 1.5°C, is dangerous, […]