Chemist Dr. Art Robinson ‘has seeded scientific skepticism within the GOP for decades’
Alternative theories of climate change — that is to say, those at odds with mainstream science — are now ascendant at the highest level of government, along with deep suspicion of environmental regulations. And other alt-science points of view — on vaccination, nuclear power, intelligent design — have been showing signs of purchase in the Trump administration. Even Robinson himself may […]
NASA confirms – Global Sea levels FALLING recently
This is NASA’s own graph. Look at 2016 and 2017. Sea levels are FALLING. See:
Thousands of penguin chicks starve in Antarctica in ‘unusually thick sea ice’
AFP Relax News•October 13, 2017 Mass starvation has wiped out thousands of penguin chicks in Antarctica, with unusually thick sea ice forcing their parents to forage further for food in what conservationists Friday called a “catastrophic breeding failure”. French scientists, supported by WWF, have been studying a colony of 18,000 pairs of Adelie penguins in […]
Trump selects climate change skeptic as top adviser
By Lisa Friedman Published 12:28 pm, Friday, October 13, 2017 President Trump has nominated a former top Texas environmental regulator, who has argued that carbon dioxide is a harmless gas that should not be regulated, to be the White House senior adviser on environmental policy. The former regulator, Kathleen Hartnett White, will lead the Council on […]