Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. on origins of 2 degree temp target: ‘Has little scientific basis’
Via: Roger Pielke Jr.’s The Climate Fix website: Do you want to know the origins of the 2 degree temperature target that underpins much of climate policy discussions and action? As is often the case, it is an arbitrary round number that was politically convenient. So it became a sort of scientific truth. However, it […]
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘Neither tropical cyclones globally, Atlantic hurricanes overall, US landfalls…has gotten worse’
Hurricanes There has obviously been a lot of interest in hurricanes, with several Caribbean islands devastated by Irma and the US hit by 2 Category 4 storms in quick succession, Harvey and Irma. And the Atlantic remains active. I had an op-ed in the WSJ on policy actions needed going forward to improve preparation for and responses […]
Study: Global warming will damage roads – Current roads only built ‘to withstand pre-1995 climate’
I’M MELTING! — We’re building roads to withstand last century’s climate Asphalt in use tolerates the temperature extremes of a period that ended in 1995. JOHN TIMMER – 9/19/2017, 4:36 PM Enlarge Wikimedia Commons 116 Does it make sense to build something that will almost certainly end up wrecked before its useful lifetime is over? In most […]
How Unusual are 4 Major Atlantic Hurricanes? ‘Not unusual at all’
By Paul Homewood With Hurricane Maria tearing heading towards Puerto Rico, there will be yet more alarmist claims about how climate change is making hurricanes worse. Maria is the fourth major hurricane in the Atlantic this year, following Harvey, Irma and Jose. But how unusual is this? Fortunately we don’t have to rely on Al […]
‘Hurricanes have always been just as violent and occurred just as often in the past, if not more often’
Jose And Maria Frustrate Global Warming Ambulance Chasers, Media And Warmunistas By P Gosselin on 20. September 2017 A few days ago it looked as if the US coast could be hit by two large hurricanes: New England by Jose, and later the Southast by Maria. Global warming activists and the haters of our modern industrial society were salivating. For example […]