Hurricane Irma is a ‘potentially catastrophic’ Category 5 storm
Analysis: Arctic Sea Ice Extent Stable Since 2007
By Paul Homewood Contrary to popular myth, summer sea ice extent in the Arctic is not in a death spiral. As the above DMI graph shows, August extent has been remarkably stable since 2007. Back in March, the “experts” were telling us that the record low extent last winter would inevitably lead to lower […]
Fifth Largest Mass Gain On Greenland’s Surface Since 1981
Overall, initial figures suggest that Greenland may have gained a small amount of ice over the 2016-17 year. Guest post: How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017 | Carbon Brief Antarctica is also gaining ice. NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA Greenland and Antarctica are both gaining […]
Greenland “Embarrassment” To Climate Warmists …Cold Autumn/Frigid Winter Projected For Europe
Schneefan here reports that the Alps are seeing heavy snowfall down to 1800 meters elevation: live-video . And if there’s a sure sign that fall is arriving in Europe, it is that the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest peak, is forecasting snow for the next 7 consecutive days: Source: Some may be asking what remains ahead […]
BBC Peddle Fake Claims About India Monsoon
By Paul Homewood h/t Malcolm Bell Just when you thought the BBC could not get any worse. Standing in for Victoria Derbyshire on her current affairs programme yesterday morning, Matthew Price ran a report on the heavy floods this summer in Nepal and Bangladesh. After telling us this had […]
5 Hurricane Charts Climate Alarmists Don’t Want You to See as They Rush to Politicize Harvey
5 Hurricane Charts Climate Alarmists Don’t Want You to See as They Rush to Politicize Harvey BY KYLE BECKER In the wake of the disastrous Hurricane Harvey, and another powerful hurricane developing in the Atlantic, there has been a ceaseless stream of attempts to link the natural weather events to man-made climate change. Sen. Bernie Sanders, socialist-democratic Senator from Vermont and […]
NYT: Lets Help Hurricane Harvey Survivors By Taxing Them
Guest essay by Eric Worrall As Hurricane Harvey survivors struggle with the aftermath, the cleanup, with power outages and portable generators, reporters far away in comfortable offices in New York think they have a solution to their problems; a new carbon tax. Source: NYT: Lets Help Hurricane Harvey Survivors By Taxing Them
Al Gore Outsold On Kindle By An E-Book Debunking ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’
‘Three big weaknesses’ Source: Al Gore Outsold On Kindle By An E-Book Debunking ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’
Arctic Ice (Still) Refuses To Melt As Ordered
I started writing about climate nine years ago with this article in The Register. I pointed out that Arctic experts are wildly incompetent hacks, and came under attack by Walt Meier at NSIDC for doing so. Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered • The Register Here are the expert predictions I was making fun […]
Scientists “thrilled”: fish cope with acidification if tanks mimic normal large daily CO2 swings
The real story here is that past scares claiming that ocean acidification would create reckless fish were most likely an artefact of an inadequate experiment. There are big swings of CO2 and pH in shallow water environments, and the normal day-night cycle turns out to be good for fish. Source: Scientists “thrilled”: fish cope with […]