Climate Scientist: ‘Global Warming’ Was ‘Inconsequential’ To Harvey – ‘Using hand-waving arguments to push an agenda’
BY MICHAEL BASTASCH After a deluge of media reports surfaced linking global warming to Hurricane Harvey, University of Washington atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass analyzed the available data to see just how big a role human emissions of greenhouse gases played in the storm. “And the results are clear: human-induced global warming played an inconsequential role […]
‘Fat healthy’ polar bears: The ‘death of a climate icon’: ‘Even Al Gore seems to have forgotten to include the plight of polar bears in’ sequel
DEATH OF A CLIMATE ICON Date: 31/08/17 Susan Crockford, GWPF TV Since the start of this century, the polar bear has been the icon of human-caused global warming. But now the polar bear as poster child of catastrophic global warming is dead. In years past, the polar bear was routinely featured in public discussions about the […]
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: ‘Is This Really the Worst Ever?’ No
Deception: NOAA/EPA graph claiming precipitation increase from 1910 would show DECREASE if extended back to 1895
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr in WSJ: ‘U.S. hadn’t been hit by a Cat 3 + since Katrina in 2005. We were overdue’ Date: 01/09/17 Roger Pielke Jr. The Wall Street Journal The U.S. hadn’t been hit by a Category 3 or stronger storm since Katrina in 2005. We were overdue. A neighborhood near Addicks Reservoir in Houston, Aug. 29. PHOTO: DAVID J. PHILLIP/ASSOCIATED PRESS Activists, journalists and scientists have pounced on the still-unfolding disaster in Houston and along […]
Mag: After Harvey, ‘climate change denial should be a crime’ – ‘Denial can and will leave people dead’
An article in The Outline by Brian Merchant is openly advocating that “climate change denial should be a crime.” The publication noted: “In the wake of Harvey, it’s time to treat science denial as gross negligence—and hold those who do the denying accountable.” The article added, “call it what it is: Negligence. Criminal negligence, even.” […]
Study: ‘Climate change’ may be linked to spike in US road deaths in 2015 – ‘Death rate higher in warmer areas’
Via: PUBLIC RELEASE: 31-AUG-2017 Climate change may be linked to spike in US road deaths in 2015 Cell phone use behind the wheel had been thought most likely explanation Climate change may be linked to the spike in US road deaths in 2015, which abruptly reversed the trend of the previous 35 years, concludes a […]