Update Aug. 15, 2017: This appears to be a media stunt to sail the Arctic ocean with the media hook of possibly sailing “even to the North Pole.” The leader of the crew has said: “The secondary objective is to sail as far north as the sea ice safely allows us, possibly even to the North Pole.” BBC reports the ship has set sail on its mission of heading toward the North Pole which current data says is not possible to cross in this sail boat. Pen Hadow sets sail for North Pole as Arctic ice melts
Via: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/sailing-to-north-pole-will-have-to-wait-dkm95rtrd
Sailing to North Pole will have to wait
The Sunday Times
Pen Hadow, the British explorer, is today due to start a sailing expedition across the Arctic Ocean to highlight the effects of climate change, including an attempt to reach the North Pole.
The voyage will see Hadow’s Arctic Mission expedition, which will involve two yachts, traverse regions of open water that were once permanently blocked by pack ice.
This weekend, however, scientists said satellite images suggested the North Pole would remain inaccessible except by an icebreaker.
This summer has already seen the Arctic sea ice reach its fifth-lowest recorded area in July, falling to 3.2m square miles, about 610,000 square miles below the long-term average. Since then it has declined even further, reaching 2.3m square miles last week.
Scientists warned, though, that despite the rapid melting of the ice there was unlikely to be access to the North Pole via open water for some years.
Professor Mark Serreze, director of America’s National Snow and Ice Data Centre, said the North Pole was still surrounded by nearly 800 miles of solid pack ice as of last week.
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