Reality Check: 85% Of Global Energy Consumption Based On Fossil Fuels

By Paul Homewood More on the BP Energy Review. Despite a small drop in coal consumption, fossil fuels remain dominant, with a share of 85%. Wind and solar in contrast contribute only a tiny 2.2%.       Year on year, the increase in fossil fuel energy has been almost double that from […]

Decarbonization poses risks to Europe’s grid operators says Moody’s

By Paul Homewood I do like contrasting headlines! Bloomberg would of course like you to believe that “investment” is good. Source: Decarbonization poses risks to Europe’s grid operators says Moody’s

Open-minded students and educators challenge warmists

Must students truly be taught the hectoring pronouncements of climate alarmists as incontrovertible truth, but be denied knowledge of the facts that expose their dogma? Source: Open-minded students and educators challenge warmists

Debate Heats Up Over Teaching Climate Change In Schools

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The struggle over what American students learn about global warming is heating up as conservative lawmakers, climate change doubters and others attempt to push rejected or debunked theories into the classroom. Source: Debate Heats Up Over Teaching Climate Change In Schools

Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of gasoline driving

Ooops, looks like those “saving the planet” Tesla snobs just got their eco-ride de-pimped From NyTeknik: h/t to Don Shaw (translated) Huge hopes have been tied to electric cars as the solution to automotive CO2 climate problem. But it turns out the the electric car batteries are eco-villains in the production process of creating them. […]

Delingpole: The Pause in Global Warming Is Real, Admits Climategate Scientist by JAMES DELINGPOLE20 Jun 20171,132 The ‘Pause’ in global warming is real and the computer models predicting dramatically increased temperatures have failed. This is the shocking admission of a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience. It’s shocking because the paper’s lead author is none other than Ben Santer – one of the more vociferous and energetic alarmists exposed […]

Exxon, BP support Republican elders’ climate proposal

Exxon, BP support Republican elders’ climate proposal Major oil companies like Exxon Mobil and BP Plc have thrown their support behind a carbon tax plan proposed by a group of elder Republican statesmen, according to an advertisement published in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. The corporate support for the plan, which would impose […]

Exxon Mobil signs on to Republican-led carbon tax proposal

Exxon Mobil signs on to Republican-led carbon tax proposal WASHINGTON – Exxon Mobil Corp. and other large oil companies are backing a carbon tax proposal put forward earlier this year by a group of former Republican leaders including James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state and a Houston attorney. The Climate Leadership […]