Bret Stephens’ Never Trump Fever Brings On Incoherent Climate Change Reversal
The columnist who wrote an entire column in 2011 that derisively compared global warming with religion now believes that humans are responsible for climate change. By Julie Kelly JUNE 8, 2017 So apparently it only takes a byline at a liberal newspaper to transform a conservative Never Trump climate skeptic into a Paris accord cheerleader and global […]
The Media Claims Trump’s Paris Decision Could Put Mar-A-Lago Underwater
By Michael Bastasch A new Associated Press report warns that key properties in President Donald Trump’s real estate empire are at an increased risk of being swallowed by sea level rise. Why? Because Trump decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, of course. AP reported Thursday that Trump’s decision “could accelerate damage to his family’s real estate empire […]
By Leaving Paris Climate-Change Deal, Trump Will Do U.S. Economy A ‘Yuuuge’ Favor
Climate Change: President Trump is letting it be known that he intends to take the U.S. out of the Paris Accords on climate change. While it will no doubt cause a political flap, it’s a smart move that ends the cynical charade of limiting climate change by shrinking our economy. Trump is reportedly working with Environmental […]
Paris Climate Deal Was A ‘Fraud’ And A ‘Sham’ – Until Trump Decided To Ditch It Yet it was only a little more than a year ago that climate scientists and environmentalists were viciously attacking the Paris agreement itself. The goals were too low to make a difference. There was nothing binding any of the signatories to live up to their promises, and no enforcement mechanism if they didn’t. It […]
Say what?! AP: ‘Climate’ decision could accelerate damage to Trump properties in Florida
By JASON DEAREN and ALEX SANZ PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement could accelerate damage to his family’s real estate empire in the coming decades, especially his properties that lie just feet from the encroaching sea in low-lying South Florida. The president’s Mar-a-Lago estate, the […]