Antarctica might go green say scientists (only 2km of ice and 50C of warming to go) More great journalism from The Guardian: Climate change is turning Antarctica green, say researchers Or maybe it isn’t. Check out the brave actual prediction: “Antarctica is not going to become entirely green, but it will become more green than it currently is,” said Matt Amesbury, co-author of the research from the University of Exeter. […]

MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen’s talks in Prague

By Dr. Lubos Motl Richard Lindzen’s talk in Prague Richard Lindzen, prof emeritus at MIT, is the most famous atmospheric physicist among the climate skeptics. I know him from Greater Boston, and because he spends several months in every year in Paris, I have convinced him that Czechia (Prague but even Pilsen) is worth seeing. […]

Kill the Paris Treaty and Rip out its Roots. Media Release/Opinion Piece For Immediate Release 18 th May 2017 Kill the Paris Treaty and Rip out its Roots. By Viv Forbes , Secretary of the Clexit Coalition The Clexit Coalition today called on President Trump to keep his election promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty and stop US payments to all […]