15 New 2017 Papers: Scientists Abandoning Claims Of Dominant Man-Made Influence On Arctic Climate

By Kenneth Richard on 15. May 2017 Natural Forcing Of Arctic Climate  Increasingly Affirmed By Scientists Gajewski, 2015 Three years ago a cogent paper was published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature that was surprisingly candid in its rejection of the position that the substantial warming and sea ice reduction in the Arctic occurring since the late 1970s should be […]


GREEN LOBBY CALLS FOR $300 BILLION ANNUAL CLIMATE FUND Date: 16/05/17 Reuters With money for action on climate change already in short supply, an estimated $300 billion a year needed to help countries deal with unavoidable climate losses will have to come from innovative new sources, such as a financial transaction tax or carbon tax, […]

Analysis Debunks Absurd Sea Level Rise Claims About South Florida

Guest post by David Middleton Sea level rise isn’t something that only future generations will have to deal with. It’s already causing significant challenges. If you doubt that, check out what’s happening in Miami right now. … “Sea levels in South Florida could rise up to two feet over the next four decades”… No they can’t […]

German Green Party Collapsing In ‘Existential Crisis’

Germany’s Green Party is collapsing and the party could lose all its seats in the national legislature, according to a Monday article in the magazine Der Spiegel. The Greens are polling very poorly in upcoming national elections scheduled for September, and the party doesn’t seem to have a plan to solve the problem, according to […]