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Why the March for Science failed, as demonstrated by its own protest signs Excerpt: But if there was one underlying theme to it all, this was a March for… …and to the extent that the March for Science was at its heart a rally in support of The Truth, it failed, because there is no such thing as THE Truth…and it ignores, or denies, massive scientific evidence […]

New Study impresses AP’s Seth Borenstein – Uses ‘extensive computer models’ to find ‘man-made extreme weather has hit all over the world’

By SETH BORENSTEIN Published: Yesterday WASHINGTON (AP) – Most people on Earth have already felt extreme and record heat, drought or downpours goosed by man-made global warming, new research finds. In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists analyzed weather stations worldwide and calculated that in 85 percent of the cases, the record for hottest day of the […]

CEI Releases Ad Urging Trump to Withdraw from Paris Climate Treaty

WASHINGTON — Today, White House senior advisers are scheduled to meet about the future of U.S. involvement in the Paris Climate Treaty, even though President Trump made a campaign promise to cancel the agreement. Since December 2015, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has made the constitutional, political, economic, and moral case against the Paris Climate Treaty. […]