Trump eyes climate skeptic for key White House environmental post
President Donald Trump may tap a vocal critic of climate change science to serve as the highest-ranking environmental official in the White House. Kathleen Hartnett White, who says carbon emissions are harmless and should not be regulated, is a top contender to run the Council on Environmental Quality, the White House’s in-house environmental policy shop, […]
Wash Post: After ‘whacking’ EPA budget, Trump’s EPA chief is seeking a 24/7 security detail
By Brady Dennis The Trump administration has proposed whacking the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency by nearly a third, eliminating thousands of employees and scrapping dozens of programs, including climate-change research and cleanup efforts in the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay. But a detailed budget plan obtained by The Washington Post last week includes a request […]
Time Mag: ‘Climate Change Deniers Have Pres. Trump’s Ear. But Now They Want Results’
Justin Worland / Washington 1:20 PM ET And yet to some of the strongest opponents of Obama’s environmental policy, particularly those who deny the existence of global warming, Trump is not going far enough. Despite having called climate change a “hoax” before his election, these critics think Trump has been ducking bigger fights like withdrawing […]
Leaked Gov’t Docs Show ‘Toning Down’ Global Warming Regs To Create Jobs
The UK will “tone down” global warming positions in international trade deals to focus on job and wealth creation, according to leaked government documents. The documents, obtained by UK’s The Times and published Sunday, instruct British trade negotiators to shift focus less from global warming concerns and preventing the illegal wildlife trade to making the […]
Satellite Data: Post El Niño Global Surface Cooling Continues – Pause Extends To 20 Years
By P Gosselin on 12. April 2017 Critical German climate site (WBDE) reports that the earth’s surface is cooling, and presents the latest chart from NCEP: As of April 11, the measured global values continue to decline (black curve) as do the computed values for April 18. Source: The time-delayed post El Niño […]
UN Paris Accord Is A Dead Deal Walking As $100 Billion Climate Fund Disappears Paris Accord Is A Dead Deal Walking As $100 Billion Climate Fund Disappears China’s New Coal Boom Shocking news—the magic $100 billion climate fund appears not to be taking shape! First world donors have been busily relabeling other foreign aid as contributions to the climate kitty. For developing countries, this is a cheat — […]
EPA staffers billed taxpayers $15,000 for gym memberships The Las Vegas EPA division was caught doling out free gym memberships to employees, paid for by your tax dollars. Despite #epa staffers complaining about President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts, it still didn’t stop them from charging taxpayers $15,000 for gymmemberships. Receipts obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show the Las Vegas Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) division purchased […]