Paris climate pact should be abandoned – ‘Simply rolling back Obama environmental rules is not enoug’ By Christopher C. Horner –Tuesday, March 7, 2017 ANALYSIS/OPINION: Recent media reports suggest a conflict within the Trump White House over whether to keep the president’s campaign promise “to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement,” the successor to the rejected Kyoto Protocol. President Trump also promised to roll Barack Obama’s controversial and harmful climate agenda back, yet the Paris agreement, signed in September […]

Five Reasons Why Ridicule Is The Proper Response To Global Warming Alarmists COMMENTARY Five Reasons Why Ridicule Is The Proper Response To Global Warming Alarmists Actor Leonardo DiCaprio appears at climate change meetings at the U.N. in New York City on April 22, 2016. When DiCaprio isn’t pretending to be someone else in front of movie cameras, he’s fumbling for gravitas as a political activist. (Van […]

Wayward EPA Needs New Vision, Not More Money

by Thomas Richard | Updated 06 Mar 2017 at 9:17 AM Former EPA head Gina McCarthy clanged alarm bells Thursday over the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to the EPA’s massive budget. That’s because the Trump administration wants to slash its $8.2 billion budget by at least 25 percent, a level not seen since 1991. The EPA employs […]

New study: Great mass extinction caused by ice age, not global warming

During the Permian-Triassic boundary 250 million years ago, the Earth was enjoying some of its warmest temperatures when it was interrupted by a catastrophic cooling event. The new discovery shows an #Ice Age forced a massive die-off of most marine life, and not global warming as once thought. It also shows the role geological events […]