NYT: Our Readers Are Too Dumb To Understand Global Warming Numbers – Hide Fact that Claimed ‘Hottest Year’ was within margin of error
By Robert Tracinski I recently wrote about the wretched reporting on the claim that 2016 was the “hottest year on record,” using as my main example a New York Times article by Justin Gillis that gave his readers none of the relevant numbers they could use to evaluate that claim. None of them. If you […]
Malia Obama Joins Dakota Access Pipeline Protest
Follow Mercury News ✔@mercnews Malia Obama joins Dakota Access pipeline protest at Sundance http://bayareane.ws/2jnnTPG 4:17 PM – 27 Jan 2017 4,3814,381 Retweets 7,4707,470 likes Malia Obama joined a protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Sundance Film Festival on Monday.
The Urgency of Revoking the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding
Alan Carlin | January 27, 2017 The Trump Administration has been rolling out Executive orders on a daily basis to implement many of President Trump’s campaign promises. These include a number of orders related to environmental and energy policy. But possibly because Trump never made any promises related to revoking the USEPA Greenhouse Gas (GHG) […]
Russian icebreakers stuck in ‘very heavy severe ice conditions’ in Arctic
Date: 27/01/17 By Ron Clutz, Science Matters https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2017/01/26/arctic-ice-takes-revenge/ The saga shows that despite all the talk of climate change and warming in the Arctic, thick ice can prevent convoys from crossing the Northern Sea Route in deep winter. Vessels Kapitan Dranitsyn and Admiral Makarov ‘marooned’ in east for the rest of winter after getting trapped […]
Privatization! Gore To Host ‘Climate Change Summit’ After CDC Cancels It
Now this is what I like to see. Privatization! If you really care about an issue, such as global change climate warming, you should have the right to spend as much of your own money as you want on it. Just stop robbing the rest of us at gunpoint. Brooke Seipel, The Hill: Climate activist […]
Trump Official: We’re Gonna Cut The EPA In Half
The former leader of President Donald Trump’s EPA transition team said Thursday he expects the president to slash the agency’s budget and staff. Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy at free market group Competitive Enterprise Institute, told reporters that Trump is considering reducing by magnitudes the agency’s workforce. It currently stands at […]
Trump to sack climate scientists and slash EPA: Unskeptical scientists are terrified
No elected representative has done more to speed climate research up: Donald Trump to sack climate change scientists Myron Ebell, who led Mr Trump’s transition team at the agency, said that he expects the new President to sack at least half of the staff there. He also hopes that the organisation will have its budget […]
Bloomberg News: Scientists Warn Trump’s Border Wall Will Be Bad for the Planet – Cause ‘Global Warming’
President Donald Trump’s plan for a southern border wall will cost billions of dollars and has already sparked a diplomatic rift with Mexico. It’s also going to be bad for the planet. Concrete is a potent source of greenhouses gas, and Trump’s “great wall” will need a lot of it — more than double the […]