Gov. Jerry Brown’s Holy War Against Climate Change

California’s drought conditions are actually historically normal; water shortages are created by incompetent and scheming government In March on Meet the Press, after declaring Ted Cruz unfit to run for president because of his views on climate change, Brown said, “We are running out of time because it’s not raining. This is a serious matter […]

NASA Climate Chief: ‘Russia actually thinks that warming the Arctic is going to be good’

  Speaking on the geopolitics of geoengineering the Earth’s climate, NASA Climate Chief Gavin Schmidt says, “Russia actually thinks that warming the Arctic is going to be good for it.” NASA GISS DIRECTOR GAVIN SCHMIDT: “And, so you’re left with countries that have slightly looser environmental regulations. Say, Russia.  Now Russia doesn’t want to do […]

Warmist Sen. Harris to Trump CIA nominee Pompeo: Repent, climate heretic

POSTED AT 4:01 PM ON JANUARY 12, 2017 BY ED MORRISSEY Confirmation hearings often reveal more about the panelists than they do about the nominee, and that’s certainly the case in the exchange that took place between Mike Pompeo and newly installed Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). Donald Trump nominated Pompeo for director of the CIA, […]

Tillerson: Climate change not ‘imminent national security threat’

Testifying before the Senate, Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson says that climate change is not an “imminent national security threat” as Senate democrats claim. SENATOR JEFF MERKLEY: “But, we are also viewing often climate change as a national security issue. And, since you believe– So, I wanted to ask, do you see it as […]