There’s a strong temptation to call Gore a crackpot, but what he truly is is a swindler. He’s made a fortune out of peddling fear where none should be. Apparently his net worth is roughly $200 million. Bloomberg News calls him “Romney-rich.” There’s no way he could have reached those financial heights without running the Great Global Warming Scam. Years of his climate exaggerations were gold for his investment portfolio: He makes up stories about a monster, then sells the frightened townspeople the weapons he tells them they need to slay the dragon.
But the monster is of course no more real than the Big Bad Wolf. He’s been talked about but never seen. There’s a reason for that.
In January we listed five ways that we know Gore has been running a global warming racket, and as the year closes we are finding items that we could add to the list.
Trump ran as the candidate who said that man-made global warming is a “hoax.” We think it’s more fraud than hoax, but his point is well-taken. That he and his daughter would give Gore even a minute of their time is a bit unsettling. The Tennessee preening horse is central to the climate deception and deserves not even a courtesy visit or call from the incoming administration. Let’s hope the Trumps walked away from the meeting realizing that Gore is a con man.