CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not ‘particularly helpful’

Update: Toronto Star Editorial: ‘UN should not bar skeptics from climate conference’ – ‘A troubling precedent’ – ‘UN should change its mind’ Update: UN Climate-Change Censor Performs as Singing Space Pixie on YouTube # The United Nations has rejected the media credentials of three journalists from a conservative news outlet in Canada to the upcoming UN climate […]

UN sings, dances and digs itself into a climate hole over its Ezra Levant veto

By Peter Foster He is Nick Nuttall, head of communications for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, which is about to hold yet another cast-of-thousands climate conference, this time in Marrakech. … Nuttall, a former Environment and Technology Correspondent for The Times of London, was interviewed about his decision by Carol Off on […]

Kerry Praises Obama: ‘He Has Been Able to Circumvent Congress’ on Climate Change  Brittany M. Hughes | 3 hours ago In between waxing poetic about the coming climate apocalypse and exchanging no less than two dozen self-congratulatory praises for being such an awesome guardian of Planet Earth, Secretary of State John Kerry rejoicedduring a panel discussion on climate change that a great American industry responsible for supporting hundreds of […]

Forget Paris: France Drops Carbon Tax Plan

Forget Paris: France Drops Carbon Tax Plan The French government is set to drop plans to introduce a carbon tax, French financial daily Les Echos said on Thursday. The newspaper, quoting several sources, said the socialist government will not include the carbon tax in a draft 2016 budget update currently being discussed. Environment Minister […]