30 peer-reviewed scientific papers reveal the lack of connection between hurricanes & ‘global warming’
Via: http://notrickszone.com/2016/10/10/scientific-consensus-30-papers-global-warming-leads-to-less-intense-less-frequent-hurricanes/ By Kenneth Richard on 10. October 2016 Below there are 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers that summarize the literature on the lack of connection between ocean temperatures and hurricane variability. Perhaps Sutter and Mann could find these educational. No Trend Or Reduced Intensity Of Landfalling Hurricanes With Warming Perrie et al., 2010 “The impact of […]
America’s most influential enviro McKibben: Use America’s defense budget to fight climate war
Via The HARRY READ ME File: Described by the Boston Globe as “America’s most important environmentalist”, 350.org founder Bill McKibben says America’s defense budget must “be put to work defending us against the most dangerous adversaries we face” — climate change. BILL MCKIBBEN: “It should be possible to build large quantities of solar panels and […]
US Hurricanes Continue Their Decline: ‘Peaked in 1886…Declining ever since – as CO2 has increased’
Posted on October 9, 2016 by tonyheller The number of hurricanes striking the US peaked in 1886, and have been declining ever since – as CO2 has increased. HURDAT Re-analysis As CO2 has increased, the number of hurricanes hitting the US has decreased The total hurricane intensity is also declining. There is no evidence linking […]
Extreme Weather Expert: ‘Incredible streak of no-US major hurricanes (Cat 3+) continues – 4,001 days & counting
No New Record? UAH Data Show 2016 Still Trails Behind 1998 Record Warm Year
By Schneefan Already in August, is the year 2016 a bit cooler than the year 1998, according to satellite data from UAH. That situation remains the same as September saw a reading of +0.44°C. The global 2m temperatures with a deviation of +0.38°K eased off slightly from the August reading of 0.42°K, see the following […]
US Winters Getting Colder, As They Get Warmer!
German Scientists: ‘Media Are Playing A Dangerous Game With Extreme Weather Fear’
By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) The history of science is rich in discoveries, progress, falsehoods and confusion. How will future generations see the history of climate science? Where are they going to set the point that distinguishes alarmism from reasonable science? August 12, 2016 could be […]
Trump Goes Off On Hillary For Saying She’d ‘Put All The Miners Out Of Business’
Hillary Gave A Roundabout Answer About Her Energy Policies During The Debate
Gore to appear in hurricane-battered Florida to rally millennials for Clinton
Can former vice president Al Gore, who hasn’t been on the ballot in a decade and a half, persuade young voters to back Hillary Clinton by appearing in hurricane-battered South Florida? He and the Democratic presidential nominee will start testing this proposition Tuesday afternoon, when the two appear together at Miami Dade College. The location has plenty […]