Fox News on Sunday April 24, 2016 invited Marc Morano to explain how the armadillo was both a mascot for 1970s global cooling fears and a mascot for current global warming fears.
“This is significant,” Morano said after revealing a stuffed armadillo in a cage. “The armadillo was the only animal that was used a mascot for global cooling in the 1970s… It’s now being used as a mascot for global warming. They’re claiming the armadillo is migrating north to get out of the heat.”
“With global warming, they have a learning curve,” he explained. “They’re trying to go much further in the future [with their doomsday predictions] when the people making the predictions will be dead.”
2019: Armadillos are moving north – Another sign that the climate is changing. – Colleen Olfenbuttel of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission says winters in her state used to be too cold for armadillos. But as the climate warms … Olfenbuttel: “… Our winters definitely have gotten more mild. We’re just not seeing the below-freezing temperatures like we used to.” And armadillos seem to be responding. Olfenbuttel: “Our first documented sighting of an armadillo in North Carolina occurred in 2008.” Since then, armadillo sightings have been reported in almost half of the counties in the state.
2017: Armadillo migration north in US possible sign of climate change – Scientists say warmer winters have lured the mammals northwards, bringing with them parasites and diseases.
2018: Armadillos moving north across U.S. a sign of global warming – Scientists monitoring the armadillo’s progress say the migration is a consequence of rising global temperatures. And it’s a sign of more to come. “Armadillos are a pretty good climate change indicator species,” said John MacGregor, a herpetologist at the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife. “When things that don’t tolerate cold climates are suddenly appearing in a cold area, it tells me that area is getting warmer.”
Fox uses stuffed armadillo to persuade viewers ‘there’s nothing to worry about with global warming’