“There’s no question that the activities that take place in this country and in countries around the world have some impact on the environment and some impact on climate,” Pence told CNN Tuesday.
Pence was responding to critics of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump who attacked him for calling global warming a Chinese “hoax” to hurt U.S. businesses. Trump denied saying such a thing in Monday night’s debate, but was quickly rebuffed by fact-checking reporters.
“What Donald Trump said was a hoax is that bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., can control the climate of the earth,” Pence told CNN. “And the reality is that this climate change agenda that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want to continue to expand is killing jobs in this country.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/27/pence-defends-trump-global-warming-is-a-hoax-perpetrated-by-dc-bureacrats/#ixzz4LePdVyQi