Toyota is using sewage sludge to power its new electric car
Hydrogen fuel cell cars could help solve the global warming crisis, but nobody wants to buy them. Yoshikazu Tanaka, chief engineer of the Toyota Mirai, Toyota’s hydrogen fuel cell car, calls it a “chicken or the egg” problem: no one wants to purchase hydrogen cars because there are no hydrogen fuel stations, and nobody wants […]
Analysis: ‘NOAA’s Africa Fraud’ – Declares Angola’s ‘hottest month’ but doesn’t actually have any thermometers there
Posted on September 21, 2016 by tonyheller As I reported earlier, NOAA shows Angola as their hottest month ever in August. Amazing, since NOAA doesn’t actually have any thermometers in Angola. The RSS TLT August anomaly for central Angola was 0.53, slightly above average and nowhere near a record. There has been almost no trend in Angola […]
Analysis: NASA’s ‘record heat’ in SW Africa is based on one tampered station, located next to asphalt in middle of rapidly growing city’
NOAA claimed yesterday that Angola and Namibia had their hottest month ever last month, even though they don’t have any thermometers there. NOAA Sets An All-Time Fraud Record In August | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog NASA also shows Namibia and Angola very hot, 1-4C above normal. NASA has no thermometers in Namibia, and only one in Angola, […]
NOAA says August was ‘hottest month on record’ — But claim Southern Africa as hottest ever –without one single thermometer reading
NOAA says August was the hottest month on record, but they may have pushed their luck a little too far this time. They show countries in southern Africa like Namibia and Angola as the hottest ever during August. Global Analysis – August 2016 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) […]
Enviro-Billionaire Steyer Donating Millions To Clinton’s Political Machine
Hillary Avoids Saying ‘Climate Change’ In Speeches, Talks about ‘Clean Energy’ Instead
Carbon credit climate scam: the fraud prosecutions begin
Rapid Sea Ice Growth After The Shortest Arctic Melt Season On Record
Arctic sea ice extent is as high or higher than last year, 30% higher than 2012, and almost the same as 2013.
Analysis: NY Times & Zika: a brief case study on climate change hype
By David Wojick The folks who make their living by hyping the supposed threat of runaway global warming use a lot of scary language in the process. Here the ever creative New York Times has set what may be a new standard in scary climate change hype, by tying it to the Zika outbreak. In […]