UN Human Rights Office Asks If Economic Freedom Is An ‘Urgent Threat’ To Mankind?
UN Human Rights Office Asks If Economic Freedom Is An “Urgent Threat” To Mankind? http://lidblog.com/un-human-rights-office-asks-if-economic-freedom-is-an-urgent-threat-to-mankind/ Guest post by Onan Coca Something absolutely NUTS transpired earlier this month when an ignorant leftist tool at the United Nations Human Rights Office got a hold of their Twitter account. Here’s what the UNHR office tweeted back on September 2nd: Hillel […]
History rewritten, Global Cooling from 1940 – 1970, an 83% consensus, 285 papers being ‘erased’
2016 Arctic ice 22% greater than 2012 – ‘May be seeing one of fastest September growths on record’
NSIDC: 2016 ties with 2007 for second lowest Arctic sea ice minimum
Obama’s Electric Car Fail: None Meet the 150-mile-per-gallon standard he promised
Obama’s Electric Car Fail Only 40% of Obama’s electric cars are on the road. None meet the 150-mile-per gallon standard he promised. Last year 17.5 million cars, SUVs, and light-weight trucks were sold in America. A mere 115,000 of those (two-thirds of one percent) were electric vehicles. Let’s press the rewind button back to the 2008 […]
Tragedy Of Consensus …’Climate Experts’ Obsessed With CO2, Ignored Remaining Universe Of Factors
Survey: 42% of US adults don’t want to pay even $12 a year to ‘stop climate change’
This is the devastating question few surveyors are willing to ask. Survey teams usually use mindless motherhood questions instead, like whether we “believe” in climate change. (Who doesn’t?) Or they ask if we want clean energy… (doh, like I want my energy dirty?) But the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago and The […]