Paper: ‘Global warming’ causing airline turbulence

Via: By Paul Homewood   And guess what, it’s due to climate change! From the Guardian:   United Airlines Flight 880 was carrying more than 200 passengers from Houston, Texas, to London’s Heathrow airport two weeks ago when it was battered by turbulence that threw people on to the cabin ceiling. Twenty-three people were […]

The Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season’s Early End? Still Three Quarter Million Sq Km Above 2012 Minimum

The Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season’s Early End? Still Three Quarter Million Sq Km Above 2012 Minimum! Schneefan at here analyzes Arctic sea ice to date… (Translated, edited by P Gosselin) ==================================== Arctic: Sea ice melt 2016 done at 4.1 million km²? Northwest Passage freezes over! At approx. 4.1 million square kilometres extent, […]

New Scaffeta paper finds planetary resonance drives cosmic rays & climate change

New Scaffeta paper finds planetary resonance drives cosmic rays & climate change A new paper by Dr. Nicola Scafetta et al published in Earth Science Reviews finds an astronomical origin of the ~2100-2500 year Hallstatt cycle found in “cosmogenic radioisotopes (14C and 10Be) and in paleoclimate records throughout the Holocene.” The authors, “show strong evidences […]

Line up the free cars on the frontline of the climate change war

Line up the free cars on the frontline of the climate change war An apt caption: “PHOTO: The low-lying islands of the Pacific are on the frontline of the fight against climate change. (ABC News: Chris Uhlmann)“ PHOTO: The low-lying islands of the Pacific are on the frontline of the fight against climate change. (ABC News: Chris Uhlmann) […]

‘Loss making New York Times is planning to intensify its global warming propaganda’ 

Loss making New York Times is planning to intensify its global warming propaganda The loss making New York Times is planning to intensify its global warming scare propaganda:The New York Times is looking for a climate change editorDrone footage that shows Greenland melting away. Long narratives about the plight of climate refugees, from Louisiana to Bolivia […]