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NPR: ‘Should We Be Having Kids In The Age Of Climate Change?’ ‘We should protect our kids by not having them’

Ful article: August 18, 201611:09 AM ET Heard on All Things Considered By JENNIFER LUDDEN – Jennifer Ludden is a correspondent on NPR’s National Desk Full Audio of NPR program: Standing before several dozen students in a college classroom, Travis Rieder (a philosopher with the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University) tries to convince them […]

The Democrats foolish War on Climate The party platform adopted at the Democratic National Convention, on page 45, calls for a national mobilization on the scale of World War II. What enemy deserves the wrath endured by Hirohito and Hitler? Climate change! Democrats want to declare a war on climate. Here is the amazing declaration: “We believe the United States […]

Back From The Dead: Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again Back From The Dead Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again In 2003, researchers declared Coral Castles dead. Then in 2015, a team of marine biologists was stunned and overjoyed to find the giant coral reef once again teeming with life. But the rebound came with a big question: Could the enormous […]