Bill McKibben on ‘climate crime’: Exxon murdered coral reefs by ‘firing the (global warming) gun’ – ‘We’re not going to let them get away with murder’

Climate Activist Bill McKibben – UK Guardian – August 17, 2016

The coral die-off crisis is a climate crime and Exxon fired the gun - Bill McKibben - Environment - The Guardian.clipular

The reefs can’t be made whole again: if they recover at all it will be slowly, and in the face of ongoing warming that seems unlikely. But at the very least, the nations that sustained this damage should be compensated. Exxon and its brethren made record profits in the last decades of denial and deceit; that money should rightfully go to pay for the damage it caused, and to build the energy systems that can power our lives without destruction.

We need to remember that there’s nothing natural about this horror. It was caused, as so many crimes are, by greed. And that greed is ongoing – Exxon continues to search for more hydrocarbons, and to reject even modest changes to its policies.

That’s why we’re wrapping crime scene tape this week around those bleached coral heads, those dead staghorns. That’s why we’re taking crime scene photos with underwater cameras. That’s why we’re protesting on the reefs. We’re not going to let them get away with murder.

Full McKibben article here:


Scientific Reality Check on Mckibben’s claims: 

‘Coral Reefs Expand As the Oceans Warm’: Peer-reviewed paper in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds warming oceans expand the range of tropical corals northward’ – ‘Corals are adapting to climate change and expanding, not contracting’

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: Why Coral Reefs & Shellfish Will Not Die From ‘Ocean Acidification’

Natural climate change drove coral reefs to ‘total ecosystem collapse’ when CO2 was ‘safe’ – ‘According to a paper published in Science, natural climate change 4,000 years ago drove coral reefs to ‘total ecosystem collapse lasting 2,500 years’ for ‘40% of their total history’ over past 6,000 years. The authors believe ‘an intensified ENSO regime’ was responsible, but then erroneously assume AGW will lead to a similar reef collapse, despite extensive peer-reviewed literature showing that changes in greenhouse gases have not and will not affect ENSO intensity’

Claim: CO2 Pollution Could Erase Coral Reefs — Reality Check: ‘Corals evolved during the Cambrian Era, when CO2 levels were 8 to 20 times higher than today’ – ‘The great coral reefs of the Permian era formed when CO2 was as high as 3,000 ppm CO2. Obviously corals like high levels of CO2’

New Research: Coral Reefs Will Thrive & Expand With A Warmer Global Climate

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on Sen. Boxer’s key warmist expert on ocean acidification: ‘Doney’s [Senate] testimony didn’t score too high on my credibility meter’

New publication demonstrates that scientists have routinely exaggerated the “evil twin of climate change” aka ocean acidification

Co-Founder of Greenpeace Dr. Patrick Moore’s new paper: Ocean ‘Acidification’ Alarmsim in Perspective

NOAA scientists admit in private that they can’t name any place affected by ocean acidification

The Fishy ‘Science’ of Ocean Acidification

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: Why Coral Reefs & Shellfish Will Not Die From ‘Ocean Acidification’

Science -vs- PR hype doesn’t hold up: Satellite images reveal ocean acidification from space

Evidence discovered that ‘ocean acidification’ scare may be as fraudulent as ‘global warming’

NOAAgate: how ‘ocean acidification’ could turn out to be the biggest con since Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick – Concealed Data reveals: ‘There has been NO reduction in oceanic pH levels in the last century.’

Acidification-gate?: NOAA accused of ‘pHraud’ by hiding data showing oceans have not ‘acidified’ over past century

What Damage Has Human CO2 Emissions Done To Coral Reefs? New Peer-Research Says ‘Nada’

Study: ‘Rising ocean temps caused by climate change are unlikely to mean the end of coral on the Great Barrier Reef’ – ‘In results they have described as ‘surprising’ the study found while one species declined in abundance, other species could rise in number. ‘The good news is that, rather than experiencing wholesale destruction, many coral reefs will survive climate change by changing the mix of coral species as the ocean warms and becomes more acidic’
