Scientists want us to believe cockroach milk is a good idea
In the ongoing pursuit of superfoods, some people think insect milk is going to trump plant-based. Science Alert shared a story on the development of cockroach milk. The alleged motivation behind the research on these insects done at the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in India is the nutritional value and the hopes of it aiding our expanding population (something the National Academy of Sciences says a vegan diet can do). We kind of expected the “cockroaches live forever” theory to drive this insanity, but once again, protein blindly leads the pack. So although cockroaches don’t actually give milk in the way Fergie may easily pour it on herself, one breed called diploptera punctate, feeds it’s babies something humans feel like stealing. The protein crystals from it’s motherly secretions are said to be four times more “nutritious” than cows milk, and also higher in calories. Before you go picturing the tiny rape racks and equipment that would be required to “milk” these cockroaches, they’re instead going to attempt to grow them in a lab. After all, cockroach gut extracts probably won’t be easily marketable, although baby cow growth formula somehow is. Emphasizing that the crystals produce more protein throughout digestion, like a “time-release” pill might, doesn’t seem like a worthy excuse for finding new ways to further our opportunities for exploitation. They do however warn that those on a western diet and anyone looking to drop a pant size won’t want to get on the cockroach bandwagon. That means anyone concerned for their health, and cockroaches, will have to stick to kale and all those other super-power promising foods we’re told to ingest on the regular. We’re betting quinoa will outlive cockroaches anyway.
— gReader Pro