Empirical Evidence: Climate Change Driven By Non-CO2 Factors, Experts Find

China climate change global warming study - no tricks zone

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It is indisputable that significant climate change is a never ending condition: Earth’s climate, due to internal and external forces, is inconstant and variable across regions.

Chinese researchers determined that non-CO2 forcings are the principal causes of majors swings in a climate’s temperature, be it cooling and warming. They also determined that the modern 20th century warming, which doomsday alarmists attribute solely to the trace gas CO2, is well below the confirmed warming that took place in earlier, pre-industrial periods.

Their research is based on the empirical evidence of a reconstructed temperature dataset using tree rings from China’s northwestern Sichuan Plateau. This new dataset confirms what the multitude of previous studies have determined – significant climate changes are absolutely natural.

This study’s conclusions:

“Seven major cold periods and three major warm periods were identified from this reconstruction, which might be linked with volcanic and solar activities. The Little Ice Age (LIA) climate can also be well represented and clearly end with climatic amelioration at the end of the 19th century. The 18th and 20th centuries were warm with less extreme cold years, while the 17th and 19th century were cold with more extreme cold years. Moreover, the 20th century rapid warming was not obvious in our RLST reconstruction, which implies that mean maximum temperature, as a unique temperature indicator, might play an important and different role in global change. Overall, the RLST variability in the NWSP might be associated with global land–sea atmospheric circulation (e.g., ENSO, PDO, or AMO) as well as solar and volcanic forcing”
