NY Post: ‘The imploding cabal to criminalize climate dissent’

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his fellow greenies are getting a lesson about the dangers of believing their own propaganda. These know-it-alls claim there’s a “consensus” on climate change and what to do about it. And they believe that consensus is so broad that even prosecuting dissent would be a slam dunk. Claude […]

Poll: ‘Only 8% of farmers believe climate change is taking place and caused primarily by human activity’

http://fortune.com/2016/06/29/monsanto-farmers-climate-change/ Warmist writer confused: “Farmers are perhaps the segment of the population most affected by climate change, and yet a significant number of them don’t believe in it—especially the notion that it’s man-made.” … A survey conducted by Iowa State Professor J. Arbuckle and Purdue University professor Linda Prokopy of 5,000 Cornbelt farmers—representing about 60% […]

Dem AG backs down in Exxon climate fight

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/dem-ag-backs-down-in-exxon-climate-fight/article/2595284 A group of Democratic attorneys general have suffered another blow in their bid to find oil-giant Exxon Mobil guilty of fraud in a highly-politicized climate change investigation. A court document issued Wednesday evening says Claude Walker, attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands, has agreed to withdraw his subpoena demanding documents and emails from […]

Analysis: Claim that ‘melting’ Antarctica threatens Penguins is ‘Climate Fraud’

http://realclimatescience.com/2016/06/climate-fraud-threatens-science-population/ Had the author actually done any research, she would have known that Antarctic sea ice is increasing, not decreasing. S_05_plot.png (420×240) She also would have known that Antarctica is not warming. RSS / MSU and AMSU Data / Time Series Trend Browser Facts and scientific inquiry have no place in climate science. It is […]

More computer model hype: Adelie penguins face disaster by 2100

http://www.examiner.com/article/more-computer-model-hype-adelie-penguins-face-disaster-by-2100 A new study published yesterday saysAntarctica’s Adelie penguins could face a disastrous population decline if global warmingwere to affect the continent. When? By 2099. There’s two big problems: Antarctica’s ice cover isactually growing in size, making the continent larger. And it’s based on computer models, which are notoriously prone to error and rarely, if ever, give accurate results. […]

Al Gore’s Daughter Arrested In Green Anti-Pipeline Protest, Multiple Charges

http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/30/al-gores-daughter-arrested-in-green-protest-multiple-charges/ The daughter of former Vice President Al Gore and 22 other environmentalists were arrested Wednesday during a protest of a Boston pipeline. Karenna Gore was  apparently part of an environmentalist protest which attempted to block construction of a pipeline by lying in a trench. She faces charges of disturbing the peace, trespassing and resisting […]