New paper shows no harm from more time on land for S. Beaufort polar bears

Take-home quote from a new polar bear paper by Todd Atwood and colleagues (2016): “…there is no causal link between the patterns in polar bear vital rates and increased use of terrestrial habitat…” In other words, there was no information to link the increased time polar bears spent onshore with either an increase or a […]

California State to climate change skeptics: Shut up, already

BY BEN BOYCHUK Special to The Bee Building a green utopia would be so much easier if people would just shut up, stop asking questions and behave like good subjects. Don’t they know the science of climate change is settled? The debate is over. There never was one. Oh, goodness. Big Oil. The fracking people.Conservatives. […]

Some inconvenient polar bear facts supported by scientific literature

The evidence that polar bears have not been harmed by recent declines in sea ice is contained in the scientific literature, no matter what some researchers say when they talk to the media. Here’s a few of those facts (not all, by any means), with the references to back them up: Southern Beaufort bear numbers […]

The Hyping of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Required Weather Myths

Dr. Tim Ball Some claim the entire notion that human addition of CO2 to the atmosphere is causing global warming is a deliberately created myth, that it was produced to isolate CO2 as a serious environmental problem that required curtailing the economies of developed countries. To enhance the threat required endangerment to plants, animals, and […]

North Atlantic Ocean Heat Content Dropping Rapidly

  Ole Humlum’s excellent site, Climate4you, has just published the latest Ocean Heat Content data, now up to March 2016. They show some interesting things happening in the North Atlantic.     First, let’s look at the area highlighted below:   Map showing the North Atlantic area within 60-0W and 30-65N, for which the heat […]