Flashback: Trump: ‘The Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore’
Climatologists: ‘The death of the Greenland disaster story’ – ‘Taming the Greenland Melting Global Warming Hype’
This picture tells a completely different story. Instead of a long-term trend that could be related to anthropogenic global warming, what we see is large annual and multidecadal variability, with the end of the record not looking much different than say a period around 1880 and with the highest GBI occurring in 1918 (with 1919 […]
Obama’s Energy Efficiency Regs Are ‘Making Appliances Way Worse’
The Obama administration’s seemingly never-ending wave of energy efficiency regulations for everyday household appliances don’t seem to be working very well, according to congressional testimony. Energy Department regulators have or plan to impose 23 different energy efficiency regulations for household appliances by 2018, and already the home appliance industry and policy experts find these rules […]
British warships in Persian Gulf overheat due to ‘climate change’
Six British warships stationed in the Persian Gulf are breaking down because the water is too hot. This week, members of the British Navy testified to the UK’s Defence Committee that their Type 45 destroyers keep losing power because of high ocean temperatures. When the ships’ turbines get overheated, they can’t generate as much energy, […]
Climate change mitigation: Turning CO2 into rock
Climate change mitigation: Turning CO2 into rock http://junkscience.com/2016/06/climate-change-mitigation-turning-co2-into-rock/ Now “all” they need to do is to get the CO2 from Ohio to Iceland. The media release is below. ### Climate change mitigation: Turning CO2 into rock UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON An international team of scientists have found a potentially . . . — gReader Pro
Bombshell study: past El Niño’s ‘may have amplified global climate fluctuations for hundreds of years at a time’
Bombshell study: past El Niño’s ‘may have amplified global climate fluctuations for hundreds of years at a time’ http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/09/study-past-el-ninos-may-have-amplified-global-climate-fluctuations-for-hundreds-of-years-at-a-time From AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY How El Niño impacts global temperatures El Niño oscillations in the Pacific Ocean may have amplified global climate fluctuations for hundreds of years at a time Scientists have found past El Niño oscillations […]
Spot the problem: Man-made emissions flat, but global CO2 hits record high
Spot the problem: Man-made emissions flat, but global CO2 hits record high http://joannenova.com.au/2016/06/spot-the-problem-man-made-emissions-flat-but-global-co2-hits-record-high/ Yet again, as the onion is peeled we find that at every stage the human influence is so small it is undetectable. Go with the data — humans are not even driving global CO2 levels. What does? — maybe ocean currents, phytoplankton, […]
Alaska Has Record Warm Spring, Following The Second Warmest Winter On Record
Alaska Has Record Warm Spring, Following The Second Warmest Winter On Record http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/10/alaska-has-record-warm-spring-following-second-warmest-winter-on-record/ It looks like late June or early July right now — gReader Pro
Paris floods made almost twice as likely by climate change, say scientists
Paris floods made almost twice as likely by climate change, say scientists http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3438756/posts The Paris floods, that saw extreme rainfall swell the river Seine to its highest level in decades, were made almost twice as likely because of the manmade emissions driving global warming, scientists have found. As artworks in the Louvre were moved to […]
Report: Trump in 2009 supported UN climate treaty & ‘aggressive climate action’
Surprise: Trump was Once Concerned about Climate Change http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/09/surprise-trump-was-once-concerned-about-climate-change Guest essay by Eric Worrall A number of stories have appeared recently, claiming that Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump’s position on Climate Change is inconsistent, because he used to support Climate Action. Apparently once you embrace the Climate faith, you are not allowed to become an […]