Update: Calif. Senate backs away from bill criminalizing climate change doubt

The California Senate won’t take up a bill that would make it illegal for businesses to not believe in climate change. Senate Bill 1161 would turn not believing in climate change into an unfair business practice in California and would extend the statute of limitations on the charge. The bill has been criticized as being […]

Mark Steyn files to push Mann trial forward

Mark Steyn files to push Mann trial forward http://joannenova.com.au/2016/06/mark-steyn-files-to-push-mann-trial-forward/ The process is the punishment. Agents of the Big-government Blob have access to a bottomless pit of lawyers. They can not only afford endless trials, for them it’s an advantage. Drag it out, wear opponents down, exhaust their coffers. And while the case is ever-pending and […]

Al Gore Travels To China To Teach Citizens How To Fear Global Warming

Al Gore Travels To China To Teach Citizens How To Fear Global Warming http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/01/al-gore-travels-to-china-to-teach-citizens-how-to-fear-global-warming/ ‘Our goal is to build upon the global consensus on climate change re-affirmed by the Paris Agreement’ — gReader Pro

California May Outlaw Free Speech on Climate Change

OMG! California May Outlaw Free Speech on Climate Change http://lidblog.com/omg-california-to-outlaw-free-speech-on-climate-change/ California is considering a bill to outlaw free speech by climate skeptics. It’s called the “California Climate Science Truth and Accountability Act of 2016” According to the California Senate: This bill would retroactively extend the statute of limitation to 30 years for claims brought under […]

Another benefit of climate change? NASA says the Arctic is ‘greening’

Another benefit of climate change? NASA says the Arctic is ‘greening’ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/03/another-benefit-of-climate-change-the-arctic-is-greening/ NASA studies details of a greening Arctic From the NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER The northern reaches of North America are getting greener, according to a NASA study that provides the most detailed look yet at plant life across Alaska and Canada. In a […]

2015 Updated NOAA Tide Gauge Data Shows No Coastal Sea Level Rise Acceleration

2015 Updated NOAA Tide Gauge Data Shows No Coastal Sea Level Rise Acceleration https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/28/2015-updated-noaa-tide-gauge-data-shows-no-coastal-sea-level-rise-acceleration/ Guest essay by Larry Hamlin NOAA has updated its extensive U.S. coastal tide gauge data measurement records (http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_us.htm) to include data through year 2015. These measurements include tide gauge data coastal locations for 25 West Coast, Gulf Coast and East Coast […]

The sea levels are now reducing in the “hotspots of acceleration” of Washington and New York

The sea levels are now reducing in the “hotspots of acceleration” of Washington and New York https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/29/the-sea-levels-are-now-reducing-in-the-hotspots-of-acceleration-of-washington-and-new-york/ Guest essay by Giordano Bruno Hopefully everybody remember Sallenger’s “hot spots” of sea level acceleration along the East Coast of the US. Asbury H. Sallenger Jr, Kara S. Doran & Peter A. Howd, Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise […]