Analysis: ‘Anatomy of the false link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2’

Summary: In this critical review of the scientific literature about fire, I describe how the false notion of a link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2 was ignited in 2006 by a fatally flawed article promoted in the science-trend-setting magazine Science, and spread like wildfire through the scientific literature and beyond, driven in part by […]

New Study finds ‘global warming could drive increasing Arctic snowfall’ – ‘Slow shrinkage of Greenland Ice & affect pace of sea levels rise’ A history of snowfall on Greenland, hidden in ancient leaf waxes A surprising trove of data yields indications of increased Arctic snowfall in times of warming UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO IMAGE: UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO RESEARCHER ELIZABETH THOMAS HOLDS HALF OF A SEDIMENT CORE COLLECTED FROM THE LAKE IN WESTERN GREENLAND WHERE THE STUDY WAS SITED. SUCH […]

Billionaire’s Club Funds Climate Crisis Propaganda

A 2014 U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Staff Report titled “How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA” describes a powerful far-left political machine that conducts lobbying under the guise of “charitable giving.” Established by about a dozen prominent foundations, the elite group channels […]

Study: Actually The Arctic Isn’t That Vulnerable To Global Warming

A study published online Monday from the University of Alberta found Arctic tundra is much more resilient to global warming than scientists often argue. Instead of amplifying warming effects as previously feared, the study found that a rising number of shrubs in the tundra will cause the region to absorb 40 percent less energy, modestly slowing global […]