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Bill Nye, UN Climate Scientist Warn Moviegoers to Shun Film’s 1-Day Theater Release: ‘Not in Our National Interest’
– Leading climate activists are warning moviegoers to shun the May 2nd nationwide one-day theater screening of “Climate Hustle,” a new film debunking climate alarmism and its big government solutions. Bill Nye (not a real “science guy,” FYI), who entertains the idea of throwing climate skeptics in the slammer, warned the film’s producer, Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano, that “Climate Hustle’s” content endangers not just the nation, but also the world: “I think it will expose your point of view as very much in the minority and very much not in our national interest and the world’s interest.” U.N. Climate Scientist Michael Oppenheimer has, likewise, condemned the film – without even viewing it – for daring to dispute climate alarmism. “Marc is a propagandist,” the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientist cautions viewers.
Review: ‘Climate Hustle is the most dangerous documentary of the year’ – ‘Brutally effective’ – ‘It’s hard not to laugh’ – Christian Toto of Hollywood In Toto: ‘Climate Hustle’ is just the tonic the global warming debate needs’
‘We see Morano trying to challenge a few scientists, but it typically ends with them fleeing the microphones. After all, he’s no stranger to debate.’ – ‘The film’s most effective moments come when left-of-center experts describe how they abandoned their previous climate change positions. Doing so opened them up to scathing critiques from their colleagues. Some even found themselves unwelcome at gigs they held for some time. It’s another signal that dissent won’t be tolerated in climate change circles.‘
MSNBC reports on ‘Climate Hustle’ DC Premiere: Calls film ‘a new anti-climate change documentary’
Associated Press covers ‘Climate Hustle’ DC Premiere with Palin: ‘Seeks to debunk what it calls myths & hype about human-caused global warming’ – AP reports on Climate Hustle: ‘New documentary seeks to debunk what it calls myths and hype about human-caused global warming’ – Film exposes ‘what it calls myths and hype about human-caused global warming’ – ‘Questions whether there is a genuine scientific consensus about global warming’
Review of ‘Climate Hustle’: ‘This could be the most important movie of the year’ – ‘Powerful documentary…demolishes the climate agenda’ – WorldNetDaily review: ‘CLIMATE HUSTLE’ WILL ROCK ALARMISTS TO THEIR CORE’
Watch: Morano in Tux on TV for DC Film Premiere – Teases Mystery Animal that Was Mascot for both Cooling & Warming fears – Bill Nye’s not the only one who can wear a bow tie!
Which animal was used as a mascot for both the ‘global cooling’ scare in the 1970s and the ‘global warming’ scare of today!?
NBC News: Sarah Palin & Bill Nye Featured in Climate Skeptic Film
‘The film lays waste to Al Gore’s thoroughly debunked movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’
Meteorologist Anthony Watts review: ‘Climate Hustle is a brilliant use of their own ammunition against them’- ‘The film’s strength is it’s wickedly effective use of slapstick humor’– Anthony Watts: ‘The film’s strength is its wickedly effective use of slapstick humor, and making use of the words and deeds of alarmists to make you laugh at them.’ ‘You can’t help but come away laughing.’ – ‘Monday May 2nd will be an historic night, since there’s never been a skeptic film like this before.’
New York Times on ‘Climate Hustle’s’ Morano: ‘He has risen to be the most savvy media manipulator of the climate skeptic crowd’ – Morano ‘pretty much chewed up Bill Nye the Science Guy on CNN with Piers Morgan a couple years ago.’
Fox Tammy Bruce reacts to Bill Nye pondering jailing skeptics: ‘No stand-up comedian is going to put me in jail.’
UK Daily Mail’s negative profile or Morano:
Marc Morano, 46, co-wrote and narrated new film Climate Hustle
The film aims to debunk what it calls myths and hype about human-caused global warming
Sarah Palin claims it offers a countering view to Al Gore’s global warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth
Morano founded the, a site that ‘questions the theory of man-made global warming’
While working for Cybercast News Service, he was the first to report on accusations John Kerry exaggerated his military service record
He’s worked as communications director for Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe and a reporter for Rush Limbaugh’s TV show
Skeptic Documentary Climate Hustle: Don’t Believe The Global Warming ‘Shell Game’
Related Links:
Skeptical ‘Climate Hustle’ Film Coming to Theaters Nationwide May 2, for a One-Night Event