Virgin Island AG claim: ‘We have documents showing’ oil companies want ‘melt’ of polar caps to drill more oil
After praising Al Gore as ‘my hero’, Virgin Island Attorney General Claude Walker says he has “documents showing” oil companies know “their product is destroying this earth” and have developed strategies to benefit from the melt of the polar ice caps in order to drill for more oil. ATTORNEY GENERAL WALKER: “Vice President Gore, […]
Study: No Difference Between 20th-century Rainfall Patterns and Those in the Pre-Industrial Era
Analysis: ‘Global Temperature Record Is A Smoking Gun Of Collusion And Fraud’
NASA temperature data doesn’t even agree with NASA temperature data from 15 years ago. 2016 version : Fig.A.gif 2001 version : NASA has altered their own data by 0.5C since 2001, yet claims that everyone agrees within about 0.05C. The Japan Meteorological Agency has altered their own data by a similar amount. In 1975 they showed no […]