Coral Reefs Just Fine If Away From Humans
Reading this article on coral reefs makes me wonder if “climate reporters” have a brain in their head.But then I realized you don’t get to keep those jobs unless you vomit up the propaganda. First it starts in on the doom and gloom stuff about coral bleaching, global warming and El Nino. As ocean warming continues to trigger widespread destruction of coral reefs, a decade-long study of remote islands in the Central Pacific suggests these biodiversity hot spots may nonetheless be able to thrive. With many parts of the globe in the grip of a coral reef bleaching event — fueled in part by El Niño-driven ocean warming — scientists and marine conservation advocates have feared many reefs could suffer irreparable damage and fade from existence in coming decades. Then they get to the good stuff. The results show that coral reefs surrounding remote islands were dramatically healthier than those in populated areas that were subject to a variety of human impacts. “There are still coral reefs on this planet that are incredibly healthy and probably look the way they did 1,000 years ago,” said Jennifer Smith, lead author of the study and a professor at Scripps’s Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. Teeming with sharks, manta rays, jellyfish and sea turtles, these remote locations contrasted starkly with the heavily populated areas, which were encircled by coral reefs covered in murky seaweed and lacking much of the colorful algae that helps to cement a reef. Duh!!!!! It isn’t “global warming” damaging reefs. It is humans and their pollution and rich assholes boats scraping over the reefs!
— gReader Pro