Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: Computer Models Can’t Work

Computer Models Can’t Work

Dr Tim Ball writing for TheRebel:MediaDr Tim points out a 2008 statement by Tim Palmer, climate modeler at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in Reading England in New Scientist:I don’t want to undermine the IPCC, but the forecasts, especially for regional climate change, are immensely uncertain.Delegates at Paris Climate Conference were all led to believe the long-term predictions were possible and accurate.Tim Ball then wrote:With global climate models, it is worse because the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) leave out major mechanisms. They acknowledged one of the limitations in the Third Assessment Report (TAR) when they wrote:In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. Nobody provided that quote at the recent Paris Climate Conference. They were all led to believe the long-term predictions were possible and accurate. Dr Tim then points out that the models are mathematical models “with numbers and formulae representing data and mechanisms.”Oceans cover 70 percent and land 30 percent of the Earth’s surface. There is essentially no weather data for approximately 85 percent of the globe.Virtually none for the 70 percent that is an ocean and of the 30 percent land surface, there are very few stations for the 19 percent mountains, 20 percent deserts, 20 percent boreal forest, 20 percent grasslands and 6 percent tropical rain forest.There is so little data that for many parts of the world they use a single station as representative of a 1200 km radius.Read more at TheRebel:Media

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