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Oscars: Leo gives the speech from two decades ago When he finally got the nod from the Academy, he trotted out the predictably tedious climate alarmism that might have been stirring or relevant a decade or so ago, but which is almost quaint by today’s standards, when even Michael Mann’sflaccid stick acknowledges the existence of The Pause. ‘Making The Revenant was about man’s relationship to the […]

Ice Breaker Which Helped Rescue ‘Ship Of Fools’ Gets Jammed In Meters-Thick Summertime Antarctic Sea Ice!

Ice Breaker Which Helped Rescue Turney’s “Ship Of Fools” Gets Jammed In Meters-Thick Summertime Antarctic Sea Ice! Schneefan at German skeptic site here writes about how yet another ice-breaker has gotten stuck in summertime Antarctic sea ice. The Antarctic “Aurora Australis” with 68 people on board became stranded in sea ice in the […]