Obama Admin Vows To Sign UN Global Warming Deal Without Senate Approval

The Obama administration has vowed to sign a United Nations global warming deal in April despite intense opposition from the Senate and a Supreme Court ruling derailing the government’s green regulatory scheme. “We’re going to go ahead and sign the agreement this year,” Todd Stern, the U.S.’s climate envoy told reporters Tuesday, brushing aside questions […]

Greens Prematurely Look to ‘Upside’ of Scalia’s Death

News of the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was only minutes old when global warming alarmism advocates began cheering. New York magazine writer Jonathan Chait notably tweeted in the wake of the news: “The most immediate political consequence of Scalia’s death: Obama’s climate plan will not be struck down.” And that was only […]

Obama to sign Paris climate pact despite Supreme Court stay

The Obama administration will officially sign onto last year’s international climate change pact, despite its top policy being put on ice by the Supreme Court. Todd Stern, the State Department’s top climate diplomat and negotiator for last year’s Paris agreement, said Tuesday that the Supreme Court’s judicial stay last week of the Environmental Protection Agency’s […]

Top MIT Climate Scientist Trashes ‘97% Consensus’ Claim

http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/16/propoganda-top-mit-climate-scientist-trashes-97-consensus-claim/   Lindzen if referring to the often cited statistic among environmentalists and liberal politicians that 97 percent of climate scientists agree human activities are causing the planet to warm. This sort of argument has been around for decades, but recent use of the statistic can be traced to a 2013 report by Australian researcher […]

Global warming has fried BBC’s brains over flights to America

‘Climate sceptics” have been entertained by the extravagant coverage given by the BBC to the finding of a Reading University computer model that, thanks to climate change, airliners will take longer to cross the Atlantic. The computer found that a “doubling of atmospheric CO2” will increase the speed of the “jet stream”, adding an hour […]

Reuters: Scalia’s Death Boosts Legal Chances for Obama’s Climate Plan

Reuters: Scalia’s Death Boosts Legal Chances for Obama’s Climate Plan http://junkscience.com/2016/02/reuters-scalias-death-boosts-legal-chances-for-obamas-climate-plan/ It is, of course, always very “legal” in nature when the political orientation of the judge is key. From Reuters: — gReader Pro