No Dissent Allowed: U.S. Senators introduce amendment to muzzle climate ‘denial apparatus’ – Senator Bernie Sanders co-sponsors

Claiming ‘sophisticated campaigns of misinformation’ are in use to ‘mislead the public’ on climate change, Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, announces the introduction of his amendment to crack down on the climate change ‘denial apparatus’.

SENATOR SHELDON WHITEHOUSE – (D-RI) – US Senate – February 3, 2016: “So this is why I’ve introduced an amendment declaring the Sense of the Senate disapproving corporations and the front organizations that they fund to obscure their role, that deliberately cast doubt on science in order to protect their own financial interests, and urging the fossil fuel companies to cooperate with investigations that are now ongoing into what they knew about climate change and when they knew it.”

Read the full Senate resolution.

Via: DesmogBlog: U.S. Senators Introduce “Merchants of Doubt” Amendment Into Energy Bill, Call On Fossil Fuel Industry To End Climate Denial and Deception – Democratic U.S. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Ed Markey (MA) and Brian Schatz (HI) introduced an amendment into the energy bill yesterday intended to express Congress’s disapproval of the use of industry-funded think tanks and misinformation tactics aimed at sowing doubt about climate change science…Senators Introduce “Merchants of Doubt” Amendment Into Energy Bill, Call On Fossil Fuel Industry To End Climate Denial and Deception

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joined the amendment as a co-sponsor once it was introduced…


“It is the sense of the Senate that according to peer-reviewed scientific research and investigative reporting, fossil fuel companies have long known about the harmful climate effects of their products,” the amendment reads…Although it doesn’t name specific companies, the amendment is surely inspired by recent revelations about ExxonMobil’s early and advanced knowledge of the role of fossil fuels in driving climate change — which was followed by the company’s subsequent, unconscionable climate science denial efforts.

Dem Senators introduce resolution targeted at climate skeptics

This is not the first time Senator Whitehouse has sought to go after climate skeptics. See:


Related Links:

Green Activist David Suzuki: Climate Skeptics ‘should be thrown in jail’

Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants To Jail His Political Opponents – Accuses Koch Brothers of ‘Treason’ – ‘They ought to be serving time for it’ – Kennedy Jr. on climate skeptics: ‘I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under’

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