Smoking gun graph reveals NASA’s Hansen’s research showed Medieval Warm Period warmer than today – 1990 UN IPCC report used Hansen’s 1981 study


“Climate fraudsters frequently claim that the 1990 IPCC temperature graph below showing the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was only a representation of Central England Temperatures (CET) and was not global.”


This is nonsense. The graph was derived from James Hansen’s 1981 study, which was taken from temperatures in England, California and Greenland.

(b) is based on temperatures in central England, the tree limit in the White Mountains of California, and oxygen isotope  measurements in the Greenland ice (W. Dansgaard of the Geophysical Isotope Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, pers. comm.), with the  temperature scale set by the variations in the last 100 years


The overlay below shows that the 1990 IPCC graph is essentially the same graph as Hansen 1981.


The MWP was real.

Flashback: UN Scientist urged: ‘We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period’


Related Links: 

Flashback: First, they ‘had’ to get rid of Medieval Warm Period & now this! A new paper in Nature suggests CO2 leads temps — but has some serious problems

‘More than 700 scientists from 400 institutions in 40 countries have contributed peer-reviewed papers providing evidence that the Medieval Warm Period was real, global, & warmer than the present’ – Climate Depot’s Medieval Warm Period Round Up of Studies

Study: ‘Globally, 99% of all paleoclimatic temperature studies compiled show a prominent warming during Medieval Warm Period (MWP)

New Paper: Roman & Medieval Warm Periods Were Warmer Than Previously Thought – ‘A paper published in Nature Climate Change finds prior temperature reconstructions from tree-rings ‘may underestimate pre-instrumental [pre-1850] temperatures including warmth during Medieval and Roman times.’ Many reconstructions show temperatures during the Medieval and Roman periods were warmer than the present, and this study suggests they were even warmer than previously thought’
